Saturday, January 13, 2007


Last night I went to see Miss Potter and believe me, it was well worth the wait.

I am currently up to my nose in a Potter project and will unravel more about her when I finish Linda Lear's scrumptious new biography: Beatrix Potter, a Life in Nature.

Until then, and before I head off to sell books at a J.L. Granatstein (the king of Canadian History ) event, let me leave you with some reviews of Dust; the new Martha Grimes novel.

She is one of the few authors I consistently buy in hardcover. For a soon-to-be peek at the new Grimesean wonder ( hits shelves Tuesday), read this!

The only thing I like better than a new Grimes novel, is a bag full of lollipops. Actually, having them both together is sheer bliss.


Anonymous said...

Ours is on the shelf already (what? pay attention to release dates? never!) and I felt vaguely betrayed that I hadn't known there was a new Jury book coming out... sniff!

Anonymous said...

Again, this review almost made me fall out of my chair because PHYLLIS!!! Then I stopped reading, because I didn't want to know anymore. I care more about little characters things the reviewer seemed determined to tell me than about the mystery plot. What? Someone got murdered? WHO'S IN JURY'S SHOWER!?!?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to see Miss Potter SO BADLY but it's not showing anywhere around here. (Not showing in London either!) So I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks, it'll come out.

Kailana said...

I am glad Miss Potter was good. I am hoping to find someone to come to it with me. I am a big Beatrix Potter fan. I even have collectibles! I also looked up that biography you mentioned. Now I am going to have to get it. Hopefully it comes out in paperback one of these days, but if it doesn't, it will be my next gift certificate purchase (I really don't like paying 30 bucks for books).

ducKy Boyd said...

You know what? I don't think I like lollipops. :( I suck. Haha, no pun intended. Now popsicles are a different story! ;)

Anonymous said...

I just saw an advertisement in a magazine about this movie. I am hopelessly behind in what is currently on with movies, but I plan on seeing this one eventually!

Carl V. Anderson said...

This is one of the movies I am really looking forward to. Glad it is getting positive reviews!